Rurik and his Shetlozero

Documentary series
"Provincial museums of Russia"

Film 1

Production of Film Studio "Rhythm" concern "Mosfilm", Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) - Russia. Arts and culture program, 1999

About Veps ethnographical museum of Sheltozero, town of Sheltozero, Republic of Karelia.

What do we know about the Veps? They are one of the oldest peoples of the Old World, long since mentioned in the Russian chronicles under the names of Ves' and Chud'. The warriors of the Ves' tribe took part in Prince Oleg's crusades to Smolensk, Kiev and Tsargrad.
Later on, Veps were forgotten. But in the meantime, they lived in peace along the banks of numerous rivers round about the lake of Onega.
Nowadays, the Veps are one of the small indigenous peoples of Russia. According to the census of 1989, their population dwindled to 12,000. Veps reside in the Leningrad and Vologda regions as well as in the Veps national district of the Republic of Karelia. The administrative center of the Veps national district is the town of Shetlozero, located 84 kilometers away from the city of Petrozavodsk.
The history of Veps and their life nowadays are displayed at the ethnographical museum of Shetlozero.
This documentary will tell you about the museum, its founder Rurik Lonin, and many other things.

The movie was filmed from August, 9 to August, 12 and from August, 19 to September, 1, 1999
TV premiere was on the "Culture" channel on February, 5, 2000

Awards and Festivals participation

Location crew (from left to right):

Pavel Zobnin, Tatiana Ivanova, Vladimir Yasahov, Аrcady Gridnev, Yevgeny Yulikov, Anatoly Terentiev, Rurik Lonin (hero of the film), Alla Surikova, Tatiana Zolotukhina, Alexei Artsinovich

Film production crew:

Script writer Аrcady Gridnev
Director Аrcady Gridnev
Director of photography Philipp Fedorov
Camera Аrcady Gridnev
Pavel Zobnin
Anatoly Terentiev
Editor Alexander Tchupakov
Sound directors Alexei Artsinovich
Oleg Zilbershtein
Second director Alla Surikova
Assistants director Pavel Zobnin
Tatiana Ivanova
Yevgeny Yulikov
Videoengineer Vladimir Yasahov
Coordinator Tatiana Zolotukhina
Production manager Anatoly Terentiev
Executive producer Elena Krylova
The series created, supervised
and produced

Alla Surikova

For information mail to executive producer Anatoly Terentiev

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