The heroes of spirit

Documentary series
"Provincial museums of Russia"

Film 7

Production of PoZitiv Film Studio, Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) - Russia. Arts and culture program, Culture and Arts Committee of Administration for Ivanovo region, 2001

About museums of Ivanovo region.

Ivanovo. City as one mill. Motherland of the First Soviet. Now a lot of people try to forget this part of our history, they cross out it as they have done it in resent past with all this liked there. It was at all times...
However both there and now there are people who are ready to sacrifice of many sings in order to save History.
They set up museums and exhibitions. One of these exhibitions is called as our movie "The heroes of spirit".

The movie was filmed from September, 26 to September, 30 and from November, 1 to November, 8, 2000
TV premiere was on the "Culture" channel on July, 5, 2001

Location crew (from left to right):

Tatiana Ivanova, Andrey Popovyan, Anatoly Terentiev, Kira Kokurkina (museum team), Yevgeny Yulikov, Evelina Devisheva, Elena Yultchieva, Philipp Poddubitsky, Farkhad Mamatkazin

Film production crew:

Script writer Evelina Devisheva
Director Evelina Devisheva
Director of photography Farkhad Mamatkazin
Camera Anatoly Terentiev
Sound director Andrey Popovyan
Second director Tatiana Ivanova
Assistants director Maria Makhanko
Elena Yultchieva
Camera assistant Philipp Poddubitsky
Coordinator Yevgeny Yulikov
Production manager Rusudan Kharadze
Executive producer Anatoly Terentiev
The series created, supervised
and produced

Alla Surikova

For information mail to executive producer Anatoly Terentiev

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© PoZitiv Film Studio, 2002-2004