Hidden time

Documentary series
"Provincial museums of Russia"

Film 8

Production of PoZitiv Film Studio, Cinematography service Ministry of culture of Russian Federation, 2001

About Municipal institution of culture "Eletz city museum", city of Eletz, Lipetsk region.

Time is always different. Sometimes it flies. Sometimes it hangs so heavy on one's hands as if there remains only the space. Sometimes, fragments of the past emerge in the present or time moves in circles. There are times in life of man or city to which we are eager to return again and again.
And how does time move in Eletz - the city which is seemingly older then Moscow? And in what times do the Eletz' residents live?

The movie was filmed from July, 3 to July, 7 and from August, 6 to August, 9, 2001
TV premiere was on the "Culture" channel on September, 5, 2002

Awards and Festivals participation

Location crew (from left to right):

Philipp Poddubitsky, Yevgenia Kononova, Farkhad Mamatkazin, Yevgeny Yulikov, Zoya Akhmetova

Film production crew:

Script writer Sergey Fedoseev
Director Sergey Fedoseev
Director of photography Farkhad Mamatkazin
Camera Yevgenia Kononova
Philipp Poddubitsky
Anatoly Terentiev
Sergey Fedoseev
Editors Tatiana Kuznetsova
Anatoly Terentiev
Sound director Alexander Tsygankov
Second director Zoya Akhmetova
Assistant director Maria Makhanko
Camera assistant Philipp Poddubitsky
Coordinator Yevgeny Yulikov
Production manager Yevgenia Kononova
Executive producer Anatoly Terentiev
The series created, supervised
and produced

Alla Surikova

For information mail to executive producer Anatoly Terentiev

Film 7 Main page Film 9

© PoZitiv Film Studio, 2002-2004